In-situ analysis
In-situ analysis is the process of analyzing the data within the 3D context. This is particularly useful to contextualize data such as physiological signals or gaze data with the actions performed by the user in the virtual environment, or to visualize the data in the 3D space (3D heatmaps, trajectories, etc).
The PLUME Viewer provides a set of module to perform in-situ analysis, such as:
- 3D Trajectories: visualize the trajectory of any object in the 3D space.
- Position Heatmap: visualize the spots where an object has been the most by projecting his position on surfaces.
- Gaze Heatmap: visualize the spots where the user has been looking the most by projecting his gaze on surfaces.
- Interaction highlight: highlight the objects that have been interacted with by the user (hover, select, activate).