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Recording custom data

Every experiment is unique and may require recording custom data. PLUME provides a way to record custom data in addition to the default data recorded through methods callable from any of your Unity script.

1. Defining the data structure

As PLUME relies on Protobuf to define the data structure, you will first need to create a .proto file. Proto files provide a handy way of defining the data structure in a language-neutral manner, that can be compiled to code in various languages (C#, Python, C++, etc). You can find more information about Protobuf here.

Let's start by defining a custom message. In our example we will create a message containing information about a person, in a file person.proto:

syntax = "proto3";

message Person {
  string name = 1;
  int32 id = 2;
  string email = 3;

2. Compiling the .proto file to C#

To be able to send the custom data with the recorder, you will need to compile the .proto file to C# code. You can do this using the protoc compiler.

Install the Protobuf compiler

  1. Download the latest version of the protoc compiler from the official repository releases (for Windows, this would typically be the file).
  2. Unzip the file wherever you want on your computer and add the bin folder to your system's PATH.
  3. You can ensure that the compiler is correctly installed by running protoc --version in a terminal.
  4. Compile the .proto file to C# using the following command:
    protoc --csharp_out=outputFolderName ./person.proto
  5. The generated C# file will be located in the outputFolderName folder, in this case, the file will be named Person.cs.

3. Recording the custom data

You can now copy the generated C# file to your Unity project. From anywhere in your scripts, you can now create an instance of the custom message and send it to the recorder:

var person = new Person
    Name = "John Doe",
    Id = 1234,
    Email = ""

var person = new Person
    Name = "John Doe",
    Id = 1234,
    Email = ""



You have successfully recorded custom data with the recorder, see how to read custom data using the Python API.

4. Compile with PLUME-Protos dependencies (Optional)

For some custom data, you may need to import messages from the PLUME Protos (eg. identifiers protos, vector3, color, etc), for example:

syntax = "proto3";

import "common/color.proto";
import "common/matrix4x4.proto";

message CustomData {
    plume.sample.common.Color color = 1;
    plume.sample.common.Matrix4x4 transform = 2;

To do so, you will need to install the PLUME-Protos repository and compile the .proto file with the dependencies.

  1. Clone the PLUME-Protos repository where you want on your computer using the following command:

    git clone --recurse-submodules
    git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Compile the .proto file with the dependencies using the following command:

    protoc --csharp_out=outputFolderName --proto_path=./ --proto_path=path/to/PLUME-Protos/ ./custom_data.proto