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You can use PLUME Python from the terminal using the CLI or from your Python scripts.


The CLI provides a set of commands to quickly extract data from the record files. You can use the --help option to get more information about the available commands and options.

Usage: plume-python [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  export-csv               Export samples from the record to CSV files.
  export-world-transforms  Export world transforms of a GameObject with the given GUID to a CSV file.
  export-xdf               Export a XDF file including LSL samples and markers.
  find-guid                Find the GUID(s) of a GameObject by the given name.
  find-name                Find the name(s) of a GameObject with the given GUID in the record.


To have more control over the data extraction process, you can use the PLUME Python API in your Python scripts. The following example shows a few common operations that you can perform using the API, for more information, you can refer to the API documentation in the related sections.

import plume_python as plm
from plume_python.utils.dataframe import samples_to_dataframe, record_to_dataframes
from plume_python.samples.unity import transform_pb2
from plume_python.export import xdf_exporter 
from plume_python.utils.game_object import find_names_by_guid, find_first_identifier_by_name

# Load a record file
record = plm.parser.parse_record_from_file("path/to/record.plm")

# Find the name(s) of a game object by its GUID
names = find_names_by_guid(record, "4a3f40e37eaf4c0a9d5d88ac993c0ebc")

# Find the identifier (go + transform GUID) of a game object by its name
identifier = find_first_identifier_by_name(record, "MyGameObjectName")

# Get samples of a given type
transform_updates = record.get_samples_by_type(transform_pb2.TransformUpdate)

# Get samples in a given time range (in nanoseconds)
record.get_samples_in_time_range(0, 10_000)

# Get samples of a given type in a given time range (in nanoseconds)
record.get_samples_by_type_in_time_range(transform_pb2.TransformUpdate, 0, 10_000)

# Get sample absolute timestamp (in nanoseconds) since epoch

# Convert samples to a pandas dataframe
transform_updates_df = samples_to_dataframe(transform_updates)

# Convert all samples to pandas dataframes
dataframes = record_to_dataframes(record)
transform_updates_df_2 = dataframes[transform_pb2.TransformUpdate]

# Export samples to a XDF file
with open("path/to/output.xdf", "wb") as xdf_file:
    xdf_exporter.export_xdf_from_record(xdf_file, record)