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Analyze user interactions

Within the Easter Egg Hunt application, the user can teleport, pick up objects, grab eggs, etc. These low-level actions and interactions are defined within the Unity project.

Record Input Actions

PLUME-Recorder records Unity Input Actions which loosely correspond to input from the user (button pressed on the controller, position of the HMD, etc.). For the Easter Egg Hunt project, actions are defined using the Input Action Manager component.

input action manager

When an action is triggered, it sends a message to the PLUME-Recorder, which will timestamp and log the action. See more details on how PLUME-Recorder logs input actions here.

Record interactions

PLUME-Recorder records XR Interaction Toolkit interactable events as well as interactor events. For each interactable and interactor present in the scene, PLUME-Recorder listens to these events. See more details on how PLUME-Recorder logs interactions in the XRITK section.

Visually review interactions

Using PLUME-Viewer Interaction Heatmap module, you can highlight objects that have been interacted with. You can find the analysis module on the right side of the viewer.

  • Interactor(s): copy and paste the GUID of one or more interactor. For example the right hand path is XR Interaction Setup / XR Origin (XR Rig) / Camera Offset / Right Controller / Direct Interactor.
  • Interactable(s): copy and paste the GUID of one or more interactable. If empty, every interactable in the scene will be taken into account. For example the wine bottle path is Livingroom / Props / Kitchen / Food / Wine Bottle.
  • Interaction type: For a Direct Interactor, Hover corresponds to touching an interactable, Select corresponds to grabbing an interactable, Activate is a contextual interaction executed with a selected interactable.
  • Time Range: section of the record you want the heatmap to be computed on. Leave as is to take the entire record into account.

PLUME-Viewer interaction module

Click on Generate to create the interaction heatmap with selected parameters. Once computed, objects that have been interacted with are highlighted in shades of red. White means no interaction, Dark Red means most number of interactions.

PLUME-Viewer interaction heatmap result

Generated heatmaps can be hidden from view (using eye icon) or deleted (using trash icon).

Compute interaction metrics

Using PLUME-Python, we can explore the recorded file to compute insighful metrics of our Easter egg hunt.

Count how many times objects have been hovered

Import required PLUME-Python classes and samples

from plume_python.record import Record
from plume_python.samples.unity.xritk.xr_base_interactable_pb2 import XRBaseInteractableHoverEnter

Fetch data from XR Base Interactable Hover Enter samples and count the number of times the Interactable Hover Enter Event has been triggered for each interactable.

def compute_hover_stats(record: Record) -> list[tuple[str, int]]:
hovered_objects = {}
for hover_sample in record.get_samples_by_type(XRBaseInteractableHoverEnter):
    object_id =
    if object_id not in hovered_objects:
        hovered_objects[object_id] = 0
    hovered_objects[object_id] += 1
return sorted(hovered_objects.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

Count the number of teleportations

Import required PLUME-Python classes and samples

from plume_python.record import Record
from plume_python.samples.unity.xritk.xr_base_interactable_pb2 import XRBaseInteractableSelectEnter
from plume_python.utils.game_object import find_first_name_by_guid

In the Easter Egg Hunt scene, users teleport using a single Teleportation Area. Counting how many times it has been selected corresponds to the effective number of teleportation.

def compute_teleport_count(record: Record) -> int:
count = 0
for select_sample in record.get_samples_by_type(XRBaseInteractableSelectEnter):
    game_object_guid =
    game_object_name = find_first_name_by_guid(record, game_object_guid)
    if game_object_name == "Teleportation Area":
        count += 1
return count