Walkthrough the PLUME Toolbox
The Easter Egg Hunt Experiment
Easter Egg Hunt is a Unity Project for a VR application based on OpenXR and the XR Interaction Toolkit. In this VR game, users are immerged in a house and are tasked to find as much Easter Eggs as they can in under 2 minutes. They need to explore the entire house and interact with their environment to uncover the 25 hidden eggs.
PLUME Toolbox
To understand the behavior of users roaming inside the Easter Egg Hunt environment, the PLUME toolbox will be our best ally !
- PLUME Recorder, our comprehensive recorder plugin for Unity is imported within the Easter Egg Hunt project to collect every data we need.
- PLUME Viewer, our interactive player for XR data will be used to get an overview of our experiment sessions in situ.
- PLUME Python, our Python API will be used to explore recorded data and compute insightful metrics.
Code for this walkthrough is available here.